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Agriculture and forestry

The powerful machines in agricultural engineering and forestry use the power of hydraulics to move heavy loads and carry out energy-sapping work. Wind and weather do not stop them. However, use in the great outdoors leaves its mark. Find out how HANSA‑FLEX, as a system partner, supports customers with 24/7 customer service, fast spare parts supply and consulting services for all aspects of mobile hydraulics.

At home in every field

Agrartechnik Sachsen has been working with HANSA-FLEX for 30 years

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Carved from a very special wood

Since the founding of the Pfeiffer Group's timber plant in Lauterbach in 2009, HANSA-FLEX has been the first point of…

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Masters of the soil

Hans Wübben GmbH tills and retills agricultural and forest land.

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