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+49 800 77 12345

Mon - Fri

8:00 - 17:00

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Made in germany – made by diversity

HANSA‑FLEX is committed to diversity and tolerance and sets an example against xenophobia and racism.

As a colourful mix of people and cultures from more than 60 nations and a global player in 42 countries, we do not tolerate any xenophobic behaviour in our group of companies. By participating in this campaign, we want to make our position very clear – in favour of cosmopolitanism, tolerance and diversity and against any kind of hatred or propaganda against foreigners and migrants. Let’s live diversity together every day and never allow xenophobia and racism to gain the upper hand!

Made by diversity

In order for our products and services to fulfil the requirements of our various customers, our teams must also be diverse and flexible. We would like to briefly introduce the people behind our products and services.
